Lifestyle & Human Interest

Dog Found Stuck in 15' Drainpipe After Going Missing for 8 Days


When a dog named Jack went missing from his home in Missouri, his owners were worried sick.

After a week, one of them was out checking the mail when they heard whimpering nearby. They soon discovered Jack stuck inside a 15-foot pipe under their driveway.

They had no idea how he got there, and when they couldn’t free him, they called the local fire department for help.

“Crews responded to the needs of this fine dog, Jack,” the Central Taney County, Missouri, Fire Protection District wrote on Facebook. “Jack decided to get himself stuck in a culvert (possibly) 8 days ago.”

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When volunteers arrived, they began calling Jack from the end of the pipe, reassuring him that he would be okay.

“You about ready to get out of there?” one volunteer asked.

“Come on, baby. Come on. We’re going to get you out,” another said.

Unable to pull him out from the opening in the drain, the firefighters began working to dig down to the pipe in the middle of the driveway.

They eventually cleared away the gravel surrounding the pipe and then used the jaws of life to create a hole.

Finally, Jack popped right up out of the pipe to freedom. He was extremely weak and needed help getting all the way out, but he was finally safe.

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The fire department reported that Jack was able to get water and rest upon getting out of the pipe. His owners later took him back inside for a well-deserved nap on “his favorite bed.”

Lisa Ward, who appears to be Jack’s owner, commented on the fire department’s Facebook post with an update and a message of thanks.

“Thank you for all you do and thank you for responding so quickly and for the outstanding job you did saving our Jack today,” she wrote.

“He is resting and drinking pedialyte and already looking a little better. Thank you also to Taney County Animal Control who also responded immediately and followed through with the whole rescue of Jack.”

Thankfully, Jack is continuing to recover at home thanks to the heroic actions of the firefighters who worked to save him.

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Liz was a senior story editor for The Western Journal.
Liz was a senior story editor for The Western Journal.
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